Monday, June 25, 2012

Pete the Cat Button Match Smartboard Freebie

I like to make smartboard activities to introduce my math workstations. I also have a smartboard workstation with various activities they can choose.


  1. HI! My name is Amanda from Hugs for The Teacher. I'm your newest follower. I love your blog. You have some really great teaching ideas. I'd like to give your blog the "One Lovely Blog" award. Please visit my blog to claim your award.

  2. That is the cutest set! I will definitely use this as a supplement to our new My Math series! Thank you for including the standard at the bottom! Love it!!!
    Maggie’s Kinder Corner

  3. Hey I just awarded you the Versatile Blog and One Lovely Blog awards. Head to my blog to pick it up!


  4. I love finding great activities for the smartboard!! Thanks for sharing!!

  5. I wanted to let you know that I added your blog to my new list of blogs at Kindergarten Network. Stop by sometime and check it out when you have a chance. Be sure to let me know if I left out any details you would like to be added.

    Lil' Country Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Network

  6. Linda, I've just discovered Pete the Cat myself, and I really love the character. I'm also very interested in button books because I have a huge button collection for my kinders. I have some of the books listed on your button carousel, but I couldn't find much information about "Button Muddle". I was wondering if you could tell me a little bit about it?

    I would love it if you could tajke a look at my blog and pick up some new freebies I made. :)

    Oh, and I'm your latest follower.

    Sharon Dudley, NBCT

  7. Just found your blog via 'Kindergarten Network' and am your 888th follower. Good thing it's summertime so I'll have a chance to go through it :)
    Mrs. Bremer’s Kindergarten
