Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Civil War Letters Update

A few weeks ago I posted about my Civil War letters project. Hurrah!! I have finished transcribing all 130+ letters. I am now pulling all names and places from the letters. But, I had to share something very exciting. I have a cousin who is also a geneaology buff and she found a picture of my great great grandfather, Marcus Ely (the letter writer) in some of her relatives pictures. You can't imagine how I felt when I opened her email and found the picture (along with his wife's picture) staring at me. I just started crying. I feel like I know them so well and looking at their faces was overwhelming. I am now working on a lesson for our fifth graders on using primary resources in research. I hope I can bring the love of history that I have alive when they read his letters. I promise to start posting again very soon. Thank you to all who nominate me for awards, I appreciate it so much, but I have really concentrated on my book and trying to post things for back to school. Summer passes by much too quickly!


  1. Hello! I am your newest follower. I am a newbie blogger and would love for you to follow me too!
    Mrs. Janelle


  2. I'm a new follower! YAY!!!! I hope you'll stop by my blog sometime:)

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