Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Target Finds and a Math Game Freebie

Why do they put the Target Dollar Spot where they do? Because they know a kindergarten teacher has no willpower whatsoever! I prove their theory right each time I walk through their door. This season they have ghost and bat table scatters, along with pumpkins, acorns and leaves (in 2 colors!!) They also have pumpkin, black cat, and ghost erasers in 2 sizes. Did I have to buy them all? Of course! We have been working on the Common Core Math Standard:
 Identify whether the number of objects in one group is greater than, less than, or equal to the number of objects in another group, e.g., by using matching and counting strategies. 

I made two levels for my students and I'll include both gameboards. You don't have to have erasers either, orange and white unifix cubes work just as well!

Have a supply of 2 types of  unifix cubes or erasers for students and dice. They will take turns rolling and placing their erasers on the gameboard. When the gameboard is filled, students will each count their erasers and determine which set is greater/less. I also am including a tally sheet, because they will be encouraged to play several games.