It has been quite a first week of school. I have 23 adorable kindergarteners that are lively and talkative. It amazes me how often I forget what the first week is like. After all, this was the 28th 1st week of my teaching career. Why didn't I remember the first day of going to the cafeteria? of walking down the hallway? of sitting on the carpet or more accurately rolling around on the carpet? This week was a little more challenging because my room had no air conditioning and that's not a good thing when you are teaching in the south in the middle of August! A friend didn't help the situation when they said they didn't have air conditioning when they went to school. (They weren't in an 88 degree room with 23 children that day either!) On a positive note, the children are getting into a good routine. With a little luck and a cooler room we'll be on a roll next week. I'll be posting pictures of my classroom makeover soon, that's another story concerning our local fire marshal. Have a great weekend and stay cool!