I have been busy preparing lots of
materials for our Dr. Seuss unit next week. You can receive the
following materials by becoming a follower and liking A Teacher's Touch on Facebook, making a comment and leaving your email address or letting me know you are a follower, liking A Teacher's Touch on Facebook and leaving a comment with your email address. Here's a list of the materials you will receive (all freebies!)
Dr. Seuss We Love You Guided Reading Book
Dr. Seuss We Love You Guided Reading response sheet
Dr. Seuss Rhyming Literacy Center
Dr. Seuss Counting Activity and response sheet
Dr. Seuss Measuring and response sheet
Dr. Seuss Write the Room and response sheet
Dr. Seuss Graph the Room and response sheet
Don't forget to leave your email address!
I' a follower. I'm not sure what we are doing to celebrate, but I know there's something in the works at school.
Mary at
Pitner's Potpourri
Pitner's Potpourri Shop on Teachers Notebook
Pitner's Potpourri Shop on Teachers Pay Teachers
I follow your blog and FB. We will be making green eggs and ham for Dr. Seuss' bday.
I am a follower on both. Our whole school does a weeks worth of Seuss so I'm starting to plan away!
Cathy I.
I can't do much in the media center because we'll be having our book fair. These activities will help me do SOMETHING! THANKS!
I am a follower of your blog! We usually do a school wide celebration.
I am a follower! We are doing a Week's Worth of Seuss in our first grade. mdennis@sunmandearborn.k12.in.us
I am a follower! We will be celebrating Seuss style- even making Oobleck!
I follow you on both. My whole school is doing a weeks worth of Dr. Seuss to celebrate reading. Grab Your Hat and Read with the Cat is our theme!!!
Im a follower of your blog. Dr. Suess is my favorite month - so much whimsy and fun!
I am now a follower of your blog. I LOVE this day! Can't wait to wear jammies, eat green eggs and ham, and read, read, read!
Beth :)
I am a new follower of you blog and FB page!
Confessions of a Teaching Junkie
Find me on Facebook
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I am a follower! lellowjeep31@yahoo.com
Thanks for Sharing!
Just discovered your blog and I am a new follower. Thank you for all of your hard work! Nancyt1@hotmail.com
LUV Dr. Seuss week! One of my most prized possessions is a cartoon of the Cat in the Hat crying the day Seuss passed away....
I love your blog and follow you on FB :)
C. Rion
I follow your blog and on Facebook and I love Dr. Seuss. Thank you! cbartram@kitcarsonschool.com
I'm a follower and fb fan. Thank you for these!
I'm a new facebook fan!
I am a follower of your blog and on TpT but I do not FB. I love Dr. Seuss. We usually have a special reading time devoted to Dr. Seuss during the week or on his birthday.
I am a new follower and came across some wonderful ideas for my classroom. Thanks for sharing! I'm headed over to "like" your blog on FB too.
I am a new follower...I also liked you on facebook.....I discovered you from classroom freebies...my email is mccld032@aol.com
I'm a follower....just just looking for some new ideas for our upcoming Dr. Seuss unit.
Sounds like a fun unit! :)
lorepuckett at gmail dot com
Sounds like a fun unit! I follow your blog. :)
lorepuckett at gmail dot com
I am a follower blog and FB. We make green eggs and ham and have a Wacky Wednesday.
I follow both and we make green eggs and ham and do a Wacky Wednesday.
Sounds like a lot of fun! Thanks for sharing your ideas. I am a follower on FB.
I follow your blog. Thank you for being so generous with your materials.
Follow the blog, liked facebook We love Dr Seuss!!! Have a lot planned to post on my kidlit blog :)
welcome 2 r wonderland at gmail dot com
I follow you. I LOVE Dr. Seuss. His birthday is the day before mine! Our school is doing activities all week, culminating on Friday with Read Across America.
Email: pettit2121@yahoo.com
I am so excited about the Dr. Seuss giveaway!
I love Dr. Seuss!
Thank you so much!
I am a follower! We are planning a Dr. Seuss dat for our lower elementary. Looking forward to your projects and ideas!
Thank you,
I am a follower!!!!!
Your freebies are awesome. I can't wait to use them.
Thanks for doing this,
I'm a follower! I am a kindergarten teacher, in my second year of teaching and I am looking for great ideas to celebrate all week with. I love Dr. Seuss week! charisse76@gmail.com
I am a follower and liked your FB page. Can't wait to get the Dr. Seuss unit at LLDrop@aol.com.
Long time follower and I'd love to see what you have cooking for Seuss.
Im a follower on fb. Can't wait for the freebie!!!
Jonzmom1@gmail.com thanks
I follow your blog and I follow you on pinterest! Here is my email address! kyuill@gmail.com Thanks!
I follow! We do fun activities the entire week!!! We love
Dr. Seuss!!! Thank you for the chance to win!
I am a follower and I just liked you on FB.
I'm following, Looking forward to using your freebies, emily.starkey@spart5.net
I am a follower!
Just began following. Looks so fun and creative. We always celebrate Dr.Suess with green eggs and ham.as well as read tons of stories.rhinze7@yahoo.com
Thanks for these Dr. Seuss ideas...
I'm a follower of yours through Facebook and email. I have planned centers around one of my favorite books each day next week. Of course it includes cooking green eggs and ham!!
I follow on facebook and email. I am excited to see what you have planned for next week!
We are having a seuss day as well!
I would love your materials. We are doing activities all week and then on Friday having a PBIS reward celebration in the afternoon with activities based on the different books. I am a follower of your blog and love all of your ideas. Thank you for sharing.
I am a new follower! What awesome activities for Dr. Seuss. Wow!
I have been a blog follower and can't wait to use your Seuss materials. Thanks so much.
I'm a follower through email and on Facebook.
I'm a follower and would love this I am sure! Thanks! Judy jlieser@stboniface.com
I'm following both! What fun!
Bex MWn
I am following both!
Following both! What a super giveaway, thanks!
Carla M (Carlaroni@yahoo.com)
I am a follower by email - lbayle@netzero.net. I love readalouds with Dr. Seuss and celebrating his birthday and your giveaway items would add to the celebration.
Lisette Bayle
I follow your blog and find many ideas reading your posts. Thanks!
I am a follower! donnab_mb@yahoo.com
I am a follower! I love your site and tell other teachers about it.
I am a follower also. I would love to have the Dr. Seuss materials. The kids love anything that I read to them - plus I have them try to read along. It's amazing how much good stuff is out there for us to be able to use. By the way -- I am an SLP in a Navajo school.
I'm a follower. Looking forward to Read Across America Day next week. We're planning on doing a readers theater with "The Lorax" this year-student's are very interested in this story-we're going to start with writing our lines tomorrow. Can't Wait!
I am a follower of this blog & FB. Individual classes celebrate Dr. Seuss' birthday however they like. One thing we do every year in my classroom is read Hop on Pop then give each person a square of bubble wrap to jump on. Thank you for this giveaway! dbednarsk@yahoo.com
Hi sorry, forgot to leave my email address- pebblz708@aol.com I am a follower and we're planning on doing a readers theater activity using "The Lorax" next week. Thanks for all you do!
I'm a follower of your blog, but I don't "do" Facebook. We're having our Dr. Seuss fun all next week, too! Can't wait to get your freebies! :-) my email is mcoker@tds.net Thanks!
I'm a follower :)
Fabulous! I liked you on FB too!
I am a follower of your blog. We are doing a school wide Seuss activity next Friday.
I am a follower of your blog. We are going a school wide activity for Dr. Seuss next week.
Thanks so much. I follow you on both.
I follow! We are going to make Cat in the Hat hats and read, read, read.
I follow! We are going to make Cat in the Hat hats and do a Thing One and Thing Two writing activity.
I follow! We are going to make Cat in the Hat hats and do a Thing One and Thing Two writing activity. mamabain1@hotmail.com
I'm a follower. We are dressing up every day next week and reading special books each day. Will probably have a read in as well
I enjoy your blog - your creativity is amazing - I have enjoyed so many of your posts. We are preparing for Read Across America next week. Dr. Seuss books and activities will fill our week. I teach PreK - 3rd grade resource.
Thank you for sharing with all of us.
I enjoy your blog - so many wonderful ideas!!
We celebrate Dr. Seuss next week - looking forward to lots of fun!!
I am a follower and love Dr Seauss day.
I'm a follower and fb fan! I would love to use your activities. Thanks so much for sharing generously! mrsmacw@gmail.com
I am a follower, can't wait until Seuss week in our school. Oobleck and all :)
I'm a new follower. Can't wait to celebrate Dr. Seuss' bday!
I'm a follower on facebook. I'd appreciate the freebie! Thanks
Hi. I wasn't sure if I was suppose to comment here or on Facebook. So, I'm doing both. I am a follower on both. I'd love to have your packet.
I follow your blog and on facebook! Awesome resources! Thank you so much for sharing with us! I really appreciated about the heads up on the Kohl's Cares books. I went and got one of each! Those are such great deals on hard back books! Thank you for all your hard work.
Emily Wilson
Thank you so much for sharing your fun ideas with us! I can't wait to celebrate with my students.
I'm a follower and I'm looking forward to having extra fun with Dr. Seuss next week! Thanks for all of the great ideas! Pam
I'm a follower =) I'm looking forward to lots of fun with Dr. Seuss and I appreciate all of your great ideas! Pam
Love your blog! About to embark on our own Seuss week in 1st grade. Thanks!
I am a brand new follower! I LOVE Dr.Seuss ! I am returning to Kinder.from 2nd grade and can not wait to start the festivities!!
I follow your blog and liked your FB page(: The whole school plans stuff for Dr. Seuss so I'm excited for it!
I follow the blog and the fb page! What a great unit! We love Dr. Seuss in this house!
I am a follower on both your blog and FB. I am just in the beginning stages of planning for next week, but our school is having Family Reading Night with a Dr. Seuss theme on Monday!
Reading Toward the Stars
I am a follower and FB fan. Can't wait to try some of the ideas! Thanks for sharing the Dr. Suess package! djac12381@yahoo.com
I have been subscribed to your blog for a while and I just liked your facebook page. We aren't sure what all we are going to do, but there will be lots of reading Dr. Seuss books involved and these new materials will definitely make sure we have lots of Dr. Seuss fun!! Thank you so much!!
I am a follower!! I can't wait to see these activities! I am almost planned for next weeka nd am hoping to fill in the holes with your lessons. Thank you in advance!
I am a follower!!! I would love to use the activities in my classroom! thank you!!!
I'm a follower!
I'm a follower of your blog and Facebook page. I'd love to have your freebies! :) Thanks!
I follow your blog.
I follow your blog!!
Thank to everyone for your response and kind words about the Dr. Seuss Giveaway. I hope you will all enjoy it.
I am a follower. Yay Dr. Seuss Week!
I am a follower via email - love Dr. Seuss and all things Suessey.
I'm a follower of the blog and on FB. I love Dr. Seuss week and can't wait for it to start next week!
I am a follower. We are planning on daily activities. I am sure your activities will ease the planning process. Thank you! Carrie
I follow with email and facebook-would love your Seuss packet - lniebel@yahoo.com
I am a follower.
I am your newest follower. I don't have a Facebook account so not sure if I can like you. If I can, please let me know how. I would love these printables! Your blog is amazing!!!!
Michelle (mmorrow@lexington1.net)
I'm a follower!!!
I'm a follower! Thank you for sharing!
I am a follower! Love your blog!! Would love your valuable resources to help plan a week of fun and learning for my kids!
Thanks for being so awesome!!
I'm now a follower! Thanks for sharing your wonderful ideas.
New church follower. Awesome stuff! Thanks. 411mrsm@gmail.com
Hey there! I'm a new follower and excited to have found your site. I just subscribed to your email. I would love a copy of your Seuss materials. THanks for sharing :)
Hi! I just discovered your blog tonight. Hope it's not too late for the Dr. Seuss things! Thanks so much for sharing.
I just became a follower and I love your blog!
I just became a follower and I love your blog!
I'm a follower! We've had a blast doing various Dr. Seuss activities this week. Tomorrow is Silly Sock Day!
leslie8937 @ gmail.com
I am following your blog, and tweets, likes on facebook. is it to late to get the Dr. Seuss on the loose giveaway?
Just started following your FB page and blog.
I am following your blog and tweets! Great activities! Thanks so much for sharing.
Thank you for sharing! I am a new follower!
I am a new follower and love Dr. Seuss. I hope your giveaway is still going on , Thanks rebecca12774@gmail.com
I love Dr. Seuss and I am having a hard thime finding cute ideas for my literacy time! Please send I am following you!
I'm a K teacher and Suess lover. I'd love to use your materials if still available!
Melody Dela Cruz
I am a new follower
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